Course Description

Learn how to deploy your own Virtual Private Server (VPS) in the cloud and effectively manage it for the highest level of security, speed, and scalability.

Founder & CEO,

Ryan Gray

Ryan Gray is the founder and CEO of one of the world's fastest growing web hosting companies, Prior to starting NameHero, Ryan co-founded six other multi-million dollar Internet businesses since 1998 and is an avid blogger, public speaker, and angel investor.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • VPS Hosting 101 Introduction

    • VPS Hosting 101 Outline

  • 2

    VPS Hosting 101

    • What Is VPS Hosting?

    • What Is VPS Hosting Slides

    • How To Deploy Your Virtual Private Server (VPS)

    • Initial VPS Configuration & Private Name Servers

    • Basic VPS Security

    • How To Add Websites To Your VPS

    • Basic Database & PHP Speed Optimizations

    • Choosing Your Web Server

    • How To Enable Cloudflare With Railgun

    • Shared vs. Dedicated IP Address

    • Introduction To CloudLinux

    • How To Setup Master Reseller Accounts In Web Host Manager

    • How To Resell Web Hosting With WHMCS On Your VPS

    • Configuring Backups On Your VPS

    • Scaling Your VPS: Add More RAM & Disk Space Instantly

    • How To Setup A DNS Cluster With Multiple Servers In Web Host Manager

    • How To Enable HTTP/2 Using Easy Apache 4